
The Ego and The Healer

The ego and the healer-simply put, the two don't mix, don't even make sense at all! The ego is defined in Oxford American Dictionary as "the part of the psyche that is concerned with the outside world, self esteem, conceit". What does that have to do with energy healing? Nothing. To be able to be a conduit for the healing energy of the Universe is a humble undertaking by few that are called to it. The Ego only gets in the way of that, it can make a person believe that they are the ones that are healing the sick or injured, when in fact the self has nothing to do with it. 

When clients or friends come to me and say "can you do that thing you do to make me feel better?",  I smile and tell them that I will work on them and the Energy will do what it is supposed to-that is the truth of the matter!  Of course, there is that part of me that wishes I could wave my hands over them and heal them immediately and precisely, but I know that it is not me doing the healing, and I am not in charge. I also know that Reiki can do no harm, and it will heal whatever needs to be healed at that time. The definition of energy in the Oxford American Dictionary is "the ability of matter to do work either because of its motion, or because of its mass, or because of its electric charge, etc.". It is the same for healing energy that flows through my hands, feet, eyes and voice-I am just the conduit, kind of like the extension cord connected to the Universal life force! 

I have witnessed many miracles over the past few years that I have been working on people so I know deep in my soul that Reiki and Prayer do heal, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. I am truly blessed to be attuned to this magnificent Energy and teach others about it so the legacy of Reiki continue on to do bigger and better things for those open to it. 


Genewize Supplements

I want to share with you information regarding a supplement I have been taking for almost 1 year. They are Genewize Supplements, and they are based on your DNA. I am definately not one of those people who will try anything regarding my health or pop a pill to feel better. I am a person who listens and researches herbs and vitamins in order to move myself to optimum health. I have 2 chronic health issues-Epstein Barr Virus and Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome-one plays off the other. At times in the past, I have been in bed for weeks and not been able to take care of myself. 

The good news is that someone I highly respect and trust introduced me to Genewize Supplements and I observed what they did for her before I even considered ordering them. Well, long story short, I have been taking them and not only have I stopped taking numerous herbs, but I have saved alot of money each month. I now take Genewize and a couple of glandulars on a daily basis. These supplements have completely turned my health and wellbeing around for the positive, not to mention made my hair grow back and made my skin and nails strong and clear! I have continued to relapse with EBV and CFIDS, but not to the point that I am bedridden-most of the time my friends and family don't even notice I am not at my best when it hits! 

I could get really scientific with the information regarding the Supplements, like how they test 12 SNP's (single nucleotide polymorphisms), or that most of the herbs and vitamins are made from organic whole foods, or that Genewize is backed by 17 years of DNA research, etc...but I am not-all I am going to say is that it is simple-send in the DNA test swabs they send you in the mail and wait for the supplements and see what happens! They test everything from Bone Density to how your body is capable of detoxing foreign materials to inflammation-12 different aspects of your genetic code. 

My results were quite interesting since they explained what was going on with my health and the fact that my issues were inhereted  from both parents. Inflammation/AutoImmune and  my body's inability to fight off free radicals/detox. Both my parents had health problems due to those as well. I had my sister tested and she is taking the supplements to support her health issues that she inherited from our parents also. 

The most exciting aspect of these supplements, besides the fact that they are personalized, is that they can support your body to maintain optimum health as they target any weaknesses AND they can prevent any further damage done to the system. Of course, it is recommended that regular medication be taken until it is no longer medically necessary, which for me was 6 months-my last blood test shocked the doctor due to my improvement! If you would like details, details, details contact me and I can set you up with information or just get you started on your supplements! 


Open House

We are having our Annual Open House at The Center Fresno!!!!!  Stop by on Saturday, August 13th between 11 and 2, to meet all of the Practitioners and hear about all we do! I will be speaking on Shiatsu and Energy work at 12:45, then will be in my office to meet anyone that stops by. Bring a friend and have some fun. Hope to see you there!