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Resolutions or Growth?

Hello everyone! I am hoping that 2011 brings prosperity to your lives in ways that are beneficial to you. Many people make "New Year's Resolutions" at the beginning of the new year....something to ponder-why make a resolution during the aftermath of probably the most stressful time of the year?  Are these statements, resolutions, demands, etc. born out frustration, stress or anger? Not the way I choose to begin my year! I take these precious few new days of the year to unwind from the Holidays and shake off the stress that I just finished walking through. I take quiet time to look at how last year went for me-how I showed up in my life and the lives of others. What was beneficial, and what was not. Then I let my mind and heart meld into one and allow what can be for the next year come to the surface. I go to Reiki for this-if you are not Reiki attuned, go to meditation or prayer instead. The sky is the limit for me-abundance is unlimited, not limited, all I have to do is ask and have intention for it to happen in my life.

     An idea for letting go and inviting in negative and positive into your spirit is to write down what did not work for you last year. Then, on a different piece of paper write down what you invite into your life, your spirit for the current year. Burn the papers one at a time with the Distance Symbol if you have Reiki, or with the intention of releasing both into the Universe so the work can begin. If ritual is not in the  cards for you, simply pray or meditate over both lists with the intention of growth for you.

     My wish is that this has been helpful for you, and you may be able to flow with the energy of the Universe in the year to come!

Happy New Year, Jessica 

Reader Comments (1)

Happy New Year, my wonderful friend. You and I have done so much in 2010; let's see what else we can get into this year. I am so appreciative of the close friendship that we have grown into, and I am so thankful that we found each other! You inspire me, motivate me spiritually, and we have so much in common. You keep me on my spiritual toes!

January 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle H. Ross
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