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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice 2013!!! The Summer Solstice this year begins on June 20th at 10:04 pm PST. This will be the beginning of the time when the sun is farthest away from the Earth, resulting in the longest day of the year. Sounds a bit daunting, doesn't it! A longer day??? uggggh! LOL! No, actually it signifies the time when the sun is shining bright for a bit longer than in the winter; we are able to experience the energy of the Sun for a bit longer every day.  What can be done during the Solstice? Ceremony!!! You can welcome in this time of new energy by a number of different types of rituals/ceremonies-remember, any time there is a shift in energy is a great time for a ceremony. You want to look at what you intend to bring into your life as a new beginning, what can be given energy in your life, and what can you grow (literally, and spiritually) into prosperity and abundance over the next couple of months. Many Ancient Civilizations carried out ceremonies during this time to honor the Sun and the Earth, due to the fact that Mother Nature led their way in agriculture and quality of life, instead of the modern days filled with Google and many charts. This is a great time to get back to basics, get grateful and tune yourself into the vibration/energy of the Sun and the cycle that is happening right now. I will be making an altar with Carnelian and Citrine, Marigolds and Blanket Flowers, a photo of my Family, an intention, an issue to release and many blessings and prayers added to that! Considering that the largest 'Supermoon' is this Sunday, the 23rd, I would highly suggest to ground yourself fully, drink a ton of water, and listen to the changes that are swirling around you. This kind of energetic change is not very common, just ground yourself and soak it in!  Jess