
Unmanageable Abundance?

Abundance is a wonderful aspect to bring into your life, right?  YES! But, what happens with that abundance, how it is managed into life can make a huge difference on a daily basis. This is the lesson that I am currently learning.....Going through many meditations, creating Crystal and Reiki Grids, breathing in Intentions, and let's face it-just plain old hard work, I have been able to create abundance in my life. The issue now is that my life has become so large that I am having issues managing my work, life and spiritual abundance. 

Get out the mini violins, right!?  Well, honestly, that is what it feels like lately. I have this huge life and I cannot enjoy it. I have been lost in the whirlwind of standing in my own abundance, and now I am leaning it out so I can breathe it in, enjoy it, and truly live it. Life can be just as unmanageable with chaos as it can be with wonderful things. To be  able to step back and acknowledge this is difficult, yet humbling at the same time. I have been able to accept my Life Purpose and step out of my comfort zone to bring it to those who will benefit by it. At the same time, my creative, family, spiritual and personal life has been able to open up and expand beyond what I ever thought was possible. 

In my previous career at Starbuck's, we called it PIAT-Putting It All Together. You take everything that was taught during training and put it together and show what you learned and how you will use it to succeed and lead properly. Well, I am doing my own sort of PIAT these days, as I write down all of the wonderful things that are included in my life abundance, and also writing down any struggles that  have come with that. A sort of a pro/con list. The result is that I am able to see how I can 'tweak' my life in order to have everything that I want to keep fit in nicely. Anything too overwhelming is taken out, or a plan to manage it is put into place. The result is that I am going to be able to sit back and enjoy everything that The Universe has brought me, and I will have  more room to bring in even more abundance!


Crystals for the Beginning of the Holiday Season

Are you gearing up for the Holidays? Whatever that may look like for you, it may bring a different energy to your days. Crystals can support you through that. I choose Citrine, Black Tourmaline and Hematite for their consistent vibrations to keep me more Crystalline all day long....Citrine is for joy, a higher energy since the weather is changing and slowing us down a bit, for promoting digestion (ideas, emotions and food), a wonderful energy for the Solar Plexus Chakra, and it just adds a little shine to everything! Black Tourmaline and Hematite are a super grounding duo, as well as vibrating through any strong energies coming your way from others and the environment. They are also great for the Root and Earth Star Chakras, keeping you firmly grounded, healthy and in the present moment. Grab these and put them in your pocket, car, purse or wherever they will be closest to you throughout the day. Be careful with the Citrine at night, for it may be a bit too energizing for you.  Jess 


Taking Care of Your Immune System

It's that time of the year-Summer has turned into Fall/Winter for most of you! When the Seasons change, so does our Immune System, Allergies, and Energy. Plus, with the Solar Flares and Solar Polarity Flip happening right now, there are too many symptoms and aches and yuck going on to mention! Besides grounding yourself (see previous posts), you can boost/balance your Immune System to further strengthen your body and energy field. Make sure that if you are going out into the chilly morning, your head or neck is covered-your throat is the command post for your Immune System, and the more you care for it, the stronger it will be. As far as Essential Oils for the throat and immunity is concerned, Frankincense, Myrtle and Oregano are the best to work with right now. The Crystals that will be most beneficial for the Immune System are Turquoise, Aquamarine and Chrysocolla. You can use all 3 or choose only 1. A pendant of one of these Crystals would be ideal, since it would rest against your Throat/Thymus area, balancing your Immune System. Otherwise, you can lay comfortably and meditate with the crystals on our near your throat and neck area. Placing them in a pouch and tucking them into your pillow case is wonderful for you in order to receive their healing vibrations while you sleep! If you would like to make  Crystal Healing Water with them, be sure to surround your water bottle or jar with them, since they are toxic. The Turquoise will also benefit you at this time for grounding and shielding of all this chaotic energy that is flying around right now.