
Grounding and Solar Polarity Shift

I have heard from many people that they have been feeling weird lately, especially the last couple of weeks. For myself, I have been having numerous migraines and a general extreme lack of energy/depression, which is not my norm! In a previous post, I mentioned the Sun's Poles shifting and what may happen to our energy fields as a result. Yes, it has been happening, and being ungrounded has begun!!! Any time there is a shift in Earth's energy, no matter the cause, we will experience a shift in our own energy as well. With the Sun spitting out all kinds of crazy energy and flares, eclipses, etc. due to the shifting of the poles, it has had a direct effect on the energy field of the Solar System, thus Earth also. What can I tell you to do?? Ground, Ground, Ground, and oh yes-Ground!!! Earthing is wonderful to ground yourself-outside and barefoot walking in the dirt. Sitting against a beautiful tree, connecting to the trunk and root system will ground you. Drink plenty of water and take baths (with Crystals of course!)-water is very grounding. And last but certainly not least, grab your Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, Lodestone and even Red Garnet. Meditate with them, carry them in your pocket, put them in your bath water-they will keep you grounded and moving forward. As far as your computer freaking out (which most are right now), make sure that you have a Black Tourmaline next to your laptop or computer tower to help it ground also! Copper is a wonderful grounding metal as well, grab some pennies from the 1970's that are pure copper and line them up around your computer (7 will be fine), or put them in your left pocket. Be cautious regarding putting any Crystal or metal with magnetic capabilities near your computer-it will fry it.....Practice grounding every day, and when you are feeling out of sorts, go ground yourself-this should be over soon! 


Updated Class Calendar

Schedule of Crystal Healing Classes

(please note that for some classes, there are pre-requisites)



August 3rd, 2013-Crystals and Aura (pre-req of Intro and Chakra Classes)


August 31st, 2013-Crystals and Chakras (pre-req of Intro Class)


Sept. 7th, 2013-Introduction to Crystals (no pre-req)


Sept. 21st, 2013-Crystals and Chakras (pre-req of Intro Class)


Oct. 19th, 2013-Crystals and Grounding (no pre-req)


Nov. 2nd, 2013-Crystal Layouts (pre-req of all above mentioned Classes)


Nov. 16th, 2013-Introduction to Crystals (no pre-req)



Please call to reserve your chair early, limited space!

Jessica Garcia, CCH

6225 N. Fresno St., #105

Fresno, CA 93710



(all classes subject to change according to enrollment, payment due at time of class)



Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is an often overlooked Crystal these days. It may bring up thoughts of 'Hippies' or Patchouli, but it is indeed a very important and strong Crystal. This morning, someone asked me to set up a Crystal Grid for them to give them strength and stamina. Knowing the situation they were going into, my intuition kicked in immediately, and Tiger's Eye was the first to come to my heart. Tiger's Eye is a good grounding stone-it grounds you in a very earth oriented manner, gentle yet strong at the same time. It also strengthens your self resolve, self confidence, concentration, strengthens personal power and insights. It can be used for the Solar Plexus, Sacral (both promote sense of self) and Root Chakras. Physically, it is good for asthma, bronchitis, headaches and migraines. It has a hardness of 6.5-7, so you can put a couple in your bathwater for healing. It does contain iron, so you would have to place it outside a glass jar in order to make Crystal Water.