
The Big Move

I had my last client in the old office this afternoon, then folded up the treatment table and I got really excited! This has been a long journey for me, and after I finished my work there, my Higher Self signaled that it is finally time to move my healing practice. I am not beginning anew, only moving to a new place to continue the flow of my business. I have been at the old office for 7 years, fresh faced out of a looooooong management career, and a new graduate of massage school. In those 7 years of work at The Center I have become a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer and discovered that I can channel healing messages and energy from Angels. I have also been through a horrendous 3 year long illness and grieved through the deaths of my Mother and my beloved kitty Gizmo. All of this has happened during the building of my business and my continued education regarding Energy Healing. All of the other Healers in the building have helped me through all of it, personally and professionally, and it has been such a fulfilling and loving experience for me.  Now it is time to move on; move on with 2 other Healers-my Reiki Master/Mentor/Spirit Mama, the other I am proud to call my Friend. Going into this new adventure with them is so exciting-we are all amazing women, and interestingly there is a 10 year age difference between each of us (47, 57 & 67)-Maiden, Mother and Crone-the 3 stages of a woman's life. What do the next 2 years have in store for me??? Who knows! But, one thing I do know is that they will be filled with Prosperity, Abundance, Spiritual Growth and Love. Anything else will be a bonus!  Jess


Schedule of Crystal Healing Classes

(please note that for some classes, there are pre-requisites)



August 3rd, 2013-Crystals and Aura (pre-req of Intro and Chakra Classes)


August 31st, 2013-Crystals and Chakras (pre-req of Intro Class)


Sept. 7th, 2013-Introduction to Crystals (no pre-req)


Sept. 21st, 2013-Crystals and Chakras (pre-req of Intro Class)


Oct. 5th, 2013-Crystals and Aura (pre-req of Intro and Chakra Classes)

11:00-2:00 $40.00

Oct. 19th, 2013-Crystals and Grounding (no pre-req)


Nov. 2nd, 2013-Crystal Layouts (pre-req of all above mentioned Classes)


Nov. 16th, 2013-Introduction to Crystals (no pre-req)



Please call to reserve your chair early, limited space!

Jessica Garcia, CCH

6225 N. Fresno St., #105

Fresno, CA 93710



(all classes subject to change according to enrollment, payment due at time of class)



Crystal Healing for Self Love

Crystal Healing for self love.  Usually when someone thinks of a Crystal for self love, they picture Rose Quartz. Let's do some 'out of the box' thinking; let's look at Rhodochrosite. Part of my role as a Teacher is to bring new things to light, not just teach the same old stuff. What can be behind the lack of self love? Guilt, shame, anger, etc....Unconditional love and forgiveness are the two components to self love that are at times overlooked. Self love is all about loving every bit of ourselves, even the character defects. Forgiving ourselves for wrongs we have done others and what we perceive as 'mistakes', is what is necessary to journey into unconditional love, further flowing right into self love. This is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves, and everyone around us-to love and accept ourselves just the way we are. Then, and only then, will the life lessons take shape and we can move forward into fully sharing ourselves with others. 

The properties of Rhodochrosite are strong, but gentle, loving energy that stimulates the mind, lifts depression and encourages a dynamic and positive outlook. It is also said to soothe emotional stress, to overcome shyness and nervousness and to encourage feelings of self worth. By healing the damage caused by negative emotional patterns, Rhodochrosite benefits the user through positive emotional experiences and an increase in self-confidence, thus promoting self love.

Rhodochrosite is a very effective healer of the Heart Chakra and can also be used to gently open and purify the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.

In healing Rhodochrosite is said to purify the kidneys and circulatory system, to normalize blood pressure and to stabilize the heart beat. It is also thought to relieve migraines, by dilating the blood vessels, to relieve asthma and respiratory problems and to invigorate the sexual organs.