
A Prayer for Japan, for Mother Earth

A Japanese Monk's Prayer Request

The damage of the earthquake in Japan is devastating. Unable to cool down the reactor, we are facing a possibility of nuclear transplant explosion. Please join our prayer. Feel free to forward this prayer request to anyone. It would be great if more people can pray.

Here is a translation of a message/oracle from the Ise Shrine in Japan:

After sunset we need strong power of prayer. Please let me deliver the message to as many as possible.

We can stop this earthquake with our prayers, but right now the nuclear plant is in danger.

Please heal the suffering, sadness, anger, worry about nuclear plants. Please do not think that this accident will bring justice. Please care for each other. The energy toward conflict and fight is also fueling the things happening right now. Please stop the conflict and stop the fight and change the worrying voice to the power of prayer. Please pray that as many people as possible can be saved.

We will be O.K. If our hearts start connecting with each other, the earth will be healed.

There are sounds/vibrations that can release the karma of earth. Anyone who can make a prayer sound, anyone who can do reiki, anyone who can do long distance healing, please direct your energy to the center of Japan. The exact location is above the Hachiro gata, Akita Prefecture. If you can sing, please sing. Humming is fine too. Let the earth listen to the sound.

Please send gratitude to the earth. If mother earth wakes up, everything will stop. The word "Song/Sing" in Japanese Kanji is "small possibilities support a big lack." Please send your prayer to the Earth to wake up the Spirit.

I will be in meditation after the sunset. I will pray for the light shining in the sky even in the darkness. May everyone be safe. Thank you for supporting my heart at this very difficult time. Gratitude for our life.


The chant to release earth karma and turn the wheel of time is OM HA KSA LA VA RA YUM SWAHA.

(taken from a post on


What to Expect...

What should you expect during a Reiki session? Well, extreme relaxation and healing comes to mind! At the beginning of the  session an energetic, physical, emotional and spiritual assessment takes place by the Practitioner asking a few questions. The reasons behind the session must come out so that the intention for healing can be  set and rapor built between Client and Practitioner. Comfortable clothing should be worn, as you  will be lying on a Reiki table or sitting in a chair. Meditative music will be playing and the lighting in the room will be dimmed. The Practitioner will place their hands on or just above your body, in the traditional Reiki hand positions. If there is an injury involved, energy will be focused in that area afterwards.

For you, what may come up during a session are emotions that may be released or healed, you may feel heat, cold or tingling from the  Practitioners hands-or you may feel nothing but deep relaxation and fall asleep. No matter the sensation, just know that the Energy is working  to heal what needs to be healed. The typical session lasts about 1 hour, sometimes longer depending on the issues involved. After the session, drinking cold water is recommended, as well as light food the rest of the  day. There are no negative side effects to a Reiki session, although there may be further physical releases such as sinus congestion or increased bowel movements. This is your body getting  rid of  toxins and "old stuff" that has been causing energy blocks.

The  number of Reiki sessions scheduled is a discussion between you and your Practitioner-after improvement you may want to be balanced monthly to continue healing and growth. Any questions are good questions for your Practitioner-this relationship is all about healing and what is best for you. Remember-Reiki can do no harm, only good!


Reiki Ideals

The Original Reiki Ideals

The secret art of inviting happiness

The miraculous medicine of all diseases

Just for today, do not be  angry

Do not worry and be filled with gratitude

Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people

Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer,

pray these words to your heart,

and chant these words with your mouth

Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind

by The Founder....Usui Mikao, printed in The Healing Touch Manual by William Lee Rand